Homeowners, realtors and/or new customers should visit the Quick Links to the right of this page for guidance.
If you’re an existing client or water operator, order sample bottles using the forms below. If you’re not sure exactly which containers you require, or have questions about analyses, please call the lab before placing your order.
All new customers MUST call the lab with payment before bottles will be shipped.
Potable Water System Operators
Request bottles for single or multiple WSIDs
– Downloads an EXCEL spreadsheet. Fill out and email to etoomey@endynelabs.com.
– Each sheet fits 8 WSIDs. If you have more, email a second copy with the additional WSIDs.
Waste-water Operators, Consultants, Environmental Engineers
If you need to collect bottles for an existing project in our database, reference the information on your past chain-of-custodys to order a new set of bottles.