Photo Credit: Laura Hartman-Frizzell, The Flume Gorge, NH
If you are an operator for a public water system (PCWS, TNC, or NTNC), Endyne can provide all of your sampling kits to satisfy the requirements on your monitoring schedule. Each client has its own file in our database, complete with pre-made custom Chain-of-Custody (COC) forms for each parameter required. We also provide automatic State reporting via One-Stop, so you can be sure that your results are submitted in a timely fashion.
We work closely with samplers, water operators and the State of New Hampshire to verify the accuracy of the information on the COC forms, such as sample point identification, chlorine residuals, compliance indicators, etc.
Endyne provides excellent customer service, competitive pricing, prepared sample bottle kits, and a variety of convenient options for sample delivery to the laboratory.
We can accommodate all required parameters for your water system, including the NH VOC list, SOC sampling with glyphosate, and all requirements covered under the Revised Total Coliform Rule (see link below). If you would like to inquire about testing with us or set up an account, please contact the lab nearest you. If you would like to place an order for sample kits and bottles, you can place an order online, or contact the lab directly.
State Department Links
Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau
Total Coliform Rule Revision & Implementation
Private Well Testing Program
Be Well Informed