View from Mt. Mansfield summit, VT. Photo credit: Laura Hartman-Frizzell
If you’re a water operator for a WSID water system (PCWS, TNC, or NTNC), Endyne can provide all of your sampling kits to satisfy the requirements on your monitoring schedule. Each WSID client has its own file in our database, complete with pre-made custom Chain-of-Custody (COC) forms for each parameter required. We also provide automatic State reporting, so you can be sure that your results are submitted in a timely fashion.
We work closely with samplers, water operators and the State of Vermont to verify the accuracy of the information on the COC forms, such as sample point identification, chlorine residuals, compliance indicators, etc.
Endyne provides excellent customer service, competitive pricing, prepared sample bottle kits, and a variety of convenient options for sample delivery to the laboratory.
Click here to go to our Sample Bottle Kit ordering page.
In 2016, Vermont Water Supply changed the format to access water system testing schedules. The new process brings you to a single web page that prompts you to enter either the Water System Identification (WSID) Number or the name of the water system. This is a live database that can be updated by Water Supply at any time. We strongly recommend that you check the website every quarter before you request sample bottles.
Click here to go to the Vermont Water System Schedule website.
Vermont Water Supply now provides a link to view the testing results of all registered water systems. This website also provides a broad range of information about each system including names of operators, type of water source, and types of end-users. If you are interested in the results of a particular water system, you can search the website in various ways.
Click here to go to the Vermont Drinking Water Watch website.